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Vitamin D in Food Supplements for Children

A UK survey of 67 vitamin D-containing food supplements for children concluded that the doses in some products could be higher.[1]   Commenting on the research, Dr Carrie Ruxton from the Health & Food Supplements Information Service (HSIS) notes: “Food supplements are meant to supplement the diet, not replace the nutrients obtained from foods. In … Continued

Young Adults Are Risking Their Health And Fertility

New study reveals significant nutrient gaps MILLIONS of young adults have such low levels of vitamins and minerals they are jeopardising their fertility and long-term health, new research has revealed. An in-depth analysis of data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) shows that adults in their 20s are falling short of recommended … Continued

The Health and Food Supplements Information Service’s Response to the Cochrane Omega-3 Review

Dr Carrie Ruxton, from the Health and Food Supplements Information Service, said: “Early studies of omega-3 fats, involving thousands of participants, found a protective benefit for the heart but in our highly medicalised age, where many older people are maintained on statins and blood pressure medication, it is much harder to pick up the modest … Continued

The Health and Food Supplements Information Service’s Response to Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Journal Report

A meta-analysis of 18 studies published in Circulation[1] has evaluated the association between taking vitamins and various aspects of cardiovascular disease.   Dr Emma Derbyshire, Public Health Nutritionist and adviser to the Health and Food Supplements Information Service commented; “Vitamins and minerals are not intended for the prevention of chronic conditions like heart disease which … Continued

Folic acid could reduce risk of stroke

Folic acid could help to reduce the risk of stroke in people with high levels of homocysteine and a low platelet count according to a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.[1]    Commenting on the study, Dr Gill Jenkins a GP and advisor to the Health & Food Supplements … Continued

Fish oil and probiotic supplements during pregnancy slash infant risk of food allergy by a third and risk of eczema by a fifth

  Researchers from Imperial College call for pregnancy dietary advice to be updated in light of findings   A study published today in the journal, PLoS Medicine,[1] has confirmed the benefits of taking fish oil and probiotic supplements during pregnancy. [2] Dr Carrie Ruxton, from the Health and Food Supplements Information Service ( said: “This … Continued

HSIS reaffirms need for fish oil in the diet

HSIS responds to a study[1] published in the Journal of Biochemistry, which examined the long-term consumption of virgin olive, sunflower and fish oils and damage to the liver.   Dr Carrie Ruxton from the Health and Food Supplements Information Service said: “In this study[1], rats were fed an extreme high fat diet consisting of around 70% … Continued
